HVRAS Measure-up

  • HVRAS - Over 4.5 tonne

    We carry out your HVRAS Measure ups on anything over 4.5 tonne. Semi-trailers, gooseneck trailers, Prime Movers etc. Book below and we come out to you.

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  • Trailers/Caravans under 4.5 tonne

    Need a HVRAS Measure-up on your Box Trailer, Camper/Caravan, boat trailer, or anything under 4.5 tonne? We are able get this sorted. We come you you, book below.

    Book Now

Why do I need one, What is it?

The objective of the Heavy Vehicle Registration Assessment Scheme (HVRAS) is to provide people with accreditation to inspect heavy vehicles (more than 4.5 tonne gross vehicle mass) and trailers (more than 750kg aggregate trailer mass) to ensure they comply with:

  • dimensional limitations

  • approved load sharing axle systems guidelines

  • safe tyre limits

  • vehicle identifiers (for example: engine number, vehicle identification number and chassis number).

Imported vehicles that have not been previously registered in Australia cannot be inspected and measured by HVRAS accredited persons. These imported vehicles must be sighted by the Department of Transport and Main Roads for verification with the vehicle import documents.